March 2, 2020
Global Networks: Why Environmental Footprint Matters
Do you know that over 4.5 billion passengers travelled by plane in 2019? That’s the equivalent of 60% of the world’s population taking to the skies, in a single year.
Whether you’re jetting off to attend a global business conference or meeting other association members, growing fears around climate change and carbon emissions throw a spanner in the works when it comes to international travel.
As we understand more about environmental footprints and carbon offsetting programmes, we’ll need to find a way to encourage global collaboration without the harmful side effects.
Join us as we discuss how global business networks impact the environment and how professional associations can build a sustainable future with innovative approaches to networking.
Benefits of Collaboration in Global Networks
Travel has been an essential part of business for centuries. From the East India Company sailing across unchartered waters in the 17th century to today’s trading associations hosting international conferences, extending your professional reach helps you grow.
While it is possible to develop a successful business in an isolated geographical location, building a global empire requires an outward approach. An approach which focuses on building strong ties with organisations across the world.
Global associations and networks often rely on different cultures and markets for alternative perspectives, lessons and opportunities. Joining an international association could unlock a world of possibilities, but it also raises a number of questions.
Is Business Travel Necessary for Global Collaborations?
In the midst of climate debates and concerns over air-mile emissions, it’s all too easy to dismiss the business value of overseas travel. However, face-to-face interactions are incredibly beneficial for building relationships.
So, Why Is Travel so Important?
The process of travelling to a destination and assembling as a group of individuals can be incredibly powerful. Not only does it signify your commitment and interest to those people, but it also shows that you are willing to step out of your comfort zone and learn from others in a completely new environment.
Closing the physical distance between people can open them up to more meaningful conversations and lasting collaborations. As a global association, bringing your members together can promote unity, empathy and a healthy approach to collaboration.
Discover Sustainable Travel
Turning a blind eye to the damaging impacts of air travel isn’t an option. So, how can international associations strike a balance between hosting global events and limiting carbon footprint?
Some forward-thinking organisations believe the answer lies in offsetting their emissions by purchasing carbon credits.
What Are Carbon Credits?
Carbon credits help organisations reduce their environmental impact by placing a financial cost on polluting activities. Whether it’s cutting down trees or flying overseas, it’s almost inevitable that your organisation will contribute to climate change and the world’s carbon footprint.
However, carbon credits offer a way to counterbalance this damage.
Carbon credits allow your organisation to give back to the world, as money goes towards offsetting emissions. Funds are used for sustainability projects which focus on reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Essentially offsetting the damage from flying overseas to attend an association event.
One such example is the Norwegian government, who’ve pledged over £250 million per year to NICFI and REDD+. Organisations that focus on rejuvenating tropical rainforests to absorb carbon in the air.
Sustainable Associations
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is home to over 45 million company members — all of which are leading the way in sustainable global collaboration.
Whilst it would not be possible to sustain an association of this size without a certain degree of international travel, its members have voluntarily agreed to use AirCarbon exchange to offset their emissions.
AirCarbon uses Blockchain technology to distribute carbon credits and slow the impact of air travel on the environment. At the moment, AirCarbon primarily focuses on airlines who must comply with the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). However, travellers’ growing desire to voluntarily offset carbon emissions could allow AirCarbon to expand to include other airlines.
The Power of Technology
While carbon offsetting is a step in the right direction, we believe the future of sustainability ultimately lies in technology. Technology allows group members to collaborate online and build strong relationships without travelling overseas or attending meetings in far-flung locations.
Some social networking platforms have even developed sophisticated alternatives to mimic human interactions and capture the benefits of face-to-face meetings in a digital form.
Our platform provides a secure communication channel for teams to collaborate online and achieve great relationships in the online space. Collude can help global associations thrive using the magic of technology.
Build Sustainable Business Networks
As the impact of carbon emissions on global warming reaches melting point, international associations must adapt their existing practices and find sustainable solutions.
Both carbon offsetting and professional networking platforms offer a feasible solution — allowing organisations to achieve the benefits of global collaboration, while limiting pollution and preventing damage to the environment.
Let’s build a brighter future, together.